Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Kata dia:

"Apabila melihat kekurangan diri, muhasabahlah. Dan, berusahalah untuk mengubah. Tegas dengan diri. Keras dengan diri sendiri. Carilah segala macam cara untuk kita tinggalkan keburukan, maksiat, kecacatan, dan kejahilan yang masih lagi menghantui diri. Ada masanya nanti Allah akan uji, dan ingatlah bahawa ada pahala serta ganjarannya untuk itu."

Kata dia lagi:

"Orang yang lemah, serta tidak banyak beramal akan mudah hilang. Kerana, hati yang tidak disinari cahaya itu susah sekali nampak kebaikan-kebaikan yang datang."

Kata dia lagi:

"Ikhlaslah. Berdoalah dengan sebanyak-banyaknya, dan benarkanlah niatmu. Moga nanti, mudah untuk Allah memperlihatkan segalanya. Mudah untuk kita berfikir, merasa, dan bertindak. Jagalah kebersamaan dengan Allah."

Kata dia lagi:

"Jadilah orang yang sibuk. Kerana orang yang sibuk dengan hal-hal kebaikan, takkan sempat untuk menyibuk dengan hal-hal keburukan. Dia tiada sempat untuk berfikir hal-hal negatif, serta tiada waktu untuk berkhayal tentang hal-hal yang tak berfaedah."

Kata dia lagi:

"Jagalah hubungan dengan Allah. Jaga iman kita. Kerana, iman itulah yang akan membuatkan hati selalu tenang. Selalu sangka baik dengan Allah. Selalu mendapat petunjuk dan nasihat daripada Allah. Bila tersilap langkah, Allah akan betulkan. Bila gerak kerja melemah, atau ada yang tidak kena, Allah akan bagi tanda-tandanya."


copypaste lagi. 
lagi stress lagi banyak update.
macam nak lari jauh-jauh pastu main salji puas-puas. 
doa sungguh-sungguh biar air mata jatuh laju-laju.

Friday, February 1, 2013


I’m missing the moment when i perched by the side of an open window listening to the sound of the rain outside. Or sometimes I just sat on a bench at the porch at the side of my house just to enjoy and savour the feeling of being in the rainy windy day. The windy breeze that caress my face, the greeny leaves that waving along engaged with the rhythm of the soft blowing wind. It really brought me some kind of extraordinary tranquility right to my heart. Even the smell of the grasses and leaves could be such a nostalgic memory.

What a great invention of our God, not just soothing the eyes that are looking but how the calmness strikes upon looking through them. Allah creates all of them so beautifully as He is beautiful and He loves beauty. The sky, the stars, the light, the water and wind, are all under His command.

Like Maher Zain’s song, OPEN YOUR EYES. =)


I always and always have this feeling that “I want to change!” “I must do something” but it always and always fade away the next several days or weeks. Seems that its life span is pretty short to be a life-changer.
That feeling of ‘wanting’ to change often came when I envied someone. Then I said to myself, ”No worries, I could be better than him/her.” Or when someone said something motivational or when I met someone inspirational. At this very moment, THIS is what we call M.O.T.I.V.A.T.I.O.N. With motivation, I have the whole spirit and I do change a lil bit or sometimes I did some changes quite a lot. But it doesn’t always last long. Because the next week, I would realize that I’m still the same old me. And when this happened, I sought for a new motivation again, then it went away again, then I searched for another and another, and the life circle goes round and round.

So at last I finally come out with a theory.
“What gets us STARTED, doesn’t always keep us GOING.”
That so-called motivation is a stimulator or may I say, a “start” button. But I need something else, in which there is a greater power that can keep me going and going, up and beyond. Now what is that magical thing?
The answer is..HABIT.
You need a motivation to get started, yeah, but if you fail to transform it into a habit, then you are just going to create another ‘loser’ you again and again.
Oh, please, don’t be a loser.
What’s important now is ITQAN!
May Allah help. ^.^

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” -Jim Ryun

"you will struggle,
you will sweat,
you will cry,
you will want to give up,
but above all,
because you’re meant to be great!" =)

كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ
you are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind (3:110)

p.s: all is copypaste.hepi holiday.cuti wilayah hari ini.stress duduk bilik menghadap buku.
p.s: alkahfi2.